Saturday, December 14, 2013


If I could go back,would I have married you?
If we could rewind,would I have stayed after everything you put me through?
If I had 3 wishes would they be to be with you forever?
You've hurt me in so many ways
You've made me feel like I was lower then dirt
Like I was nothing.
You're words cut like knives,
always finding a place in my heart.
I was never good enough for you
and you reminded me daily.
I've battled depression worse then i've ever felt
because of you.
Now this,the ultimate betrayal.
A pain that far surpasses anything you've put me through before.
I can't help but hate you.
I cant stop myself from feeling this rage
You have broken me.
What more could you possibly take?
I gave you my heart,I gave you every part of me.
and you shattered it.
I have nothing left in me,I am empty
completely empty.
But even as my heart is broken,laying shattered in a million pieces
every one of those pieces holds you.
I gave you my heart because you ARE my heart.
I gave you every part of me because I feel YOU in every breath I take.

If I could go back,would I have married you?
If we could rewind,would I have stayed after everything you put me through?
If I had 3 wishes would they be to be with you forever?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

A day in my life....

This is my everyday life,see if you can spot the reoccurring theme. (I apologize for writing a fricken novel lol)

7:30-Wake up,bring Nolan into the living room,give him a bottle. Turn on Grey's Anatomy and wait for the boys to wake up.

8:00-Nathan OR Nick wakes up (never both at the same time) If it's Nathan we cuddle on the couch while I put on a cartoon. If it's Nicky,he demands juice or chocolate milk and usually and apple lol.

8:30-10:30- Depending on what time he goes to bed the night before,Donnie usually wakes up between those times. Pee's plops on the couch and asks me to make him something to eat. No good morning? nope.

Breakfast-This can go one of 2 ways. I make the same thing for everyone,or I make everyone something different. Either way,it always involves me getting everything ready,food,drinks,setting up the boys table in their room and turning on a cartoon. Then handing Donnie his food,to which i'm thanked. I make my food last,usually toast and coffee. As I sit down to eat,or while i'm eating, "can you make me something to drink" Set my food down and fetch him some water. I've learned lately to bring him a drink with his food.

After breakfast,I clean the dishes and usually start a load of laundry,it's NEVER ending.I get on Fb or Plurk,or search the web. During this time,i'm ALWAYS getting up,literally every 5-10 minutes. Whether it's to stop a fight,wipe a baby booty,get drinks,make snacks,playtime, i'm ALWAYS getting up. In the midst of it all,I always get a "make me something to eat" or "can you get me,insert random thing here" 

Lunch time,goes smooth,hot dogs and mac&cheese with an apple and yogurt. Donnie eats the Mac & Cheese but usually needs something extra. He refuses to eat hotdogs,so I have to make ANOTHER meal,on top of that one. I don't eat,I make something random later on in the day. As always "Can you make me something to drink?" Sure...

Playtime! If it's not raining,I take the boys out. All they wanna do is swing,so I push them for 2 hours!, thank God I have a comfy chair to sit in. I usually day dream while i'm pushing them,it's unusually "zen" The boys ask to go in a few hours later to watch tv or play. I'm fine with that,Nolan needs a bottle anyway.

The hours before dinner are spend pretty much like the rest of the day. Butts wiped,boo boo's kissed,messes to clean up. If I haven't gotten around to cleaning the rest of the house by now,I'll start to do it now. Don't forget!! "Can you get me this or that" "thanks babe" yep...

Dinner,it can be chaotic. The boys have probably trashed the house the second after I cleaned it,so i'm stressing about that. They're also hovering in the kitchen,even though I repeatedly tell them to "stay in the living room,it's hot in here." Sometimes i'll get a "eww whats that smell,it smells horrible" gee thanks!! he assures me "Oh,i'm sure it'll taste good" gee,thanks again -_-

I serve dinner just like I did breakfast. I make sure everyone is settled and eating,then allow myself to stuff my face. 

Cleaning,cleaning,cleaning. Dinner dishes,putting toys away,scrubbing pee in the bathroom,scoping cat poop,washing bottles,this,that and the other. I hope you didn't forget!! "Can you get me.... you know the rest....

The rest of the night usually goes like this,baths,more cleaning bed time for the boys. MORE straightening up. They destroy what I clean as soon as I clean it. MORE dishes,more,more,more.

Then tv,and bed. Of course,getting up 4X a night with Nolan.

Don't get me wrong,I LOVE my life,I LOVE my family,but I swear to God I feel like a maid,or a slave even. I'm expected to get up on demand by everyone in this house. Donnie DOES help with the kids,but thats as far is it goes. Cooking,cleaning,EVERYTHING else goes to me. I've been sick for 3 days,and i've been waiting for Donnie to ask if I needed anything. NOPE! Today he gets a sore throat,guess who is taking care of him? Yeah....

I just,would love it if he thought about ME for once. Hey babe do you want me to make breakfast,or i'll make my own breakfast this morning. He literally can't make his own bagel,WTF?! "Make me chips and salsa" Really?! You can't pour that shit in a bowl yourself?! OR he'll wait until I sit down to ask me for something,instead of asking while i'm still up.

AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! End vent.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just some ramblings of a confused broken heart.

I always thought that if someone cheated on me,i'd leave. I'd pack my things and leave,never look back. In fact Donnie and I would often talk about it,if there was ever a moment where we felt the need or want to be with someone else,we'd tell the other person and figure out what we wanted to do from there. We would NEVER actually do it.

Donnie did it,he committed the ultimate betrayal. And I didn't leave,the thought never crossed my mind as he sat me down and cried uncontrollably after telling me he slept with his boss. Anger,hurt,confusion,they all crossed my mind,leaving didn't.

I don't know? I don't know if staying makes me stronger or if staying shows how very weak I am. Is it strength that makes me stay and work things out or am I just THAT self conscious? I don't know the reason,all I know is in spite of everything i've said in the past I could never leave. I don't feel in my heart that it would be the right decision. No matter how hard this is,no matter how my heart is breaking,this is my life and I have to deal with it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The beginning.

I'm not going to lie,I have absolutely no idea where this blog is gonna go? I'm sure it'll be a no holds bar,anything and everything blog,I just hope someone is able to understand my craziness!

I guess i'll start with an "about me" blog,not sure how far back I want to take this? Childhood,teenage years,marriage,kids?? I guess i'll start at the beginning,as boring and depressing as that is.

I was born in New Jersey, second child to my parents Bonnie and Greg. Fourth daughter of my mom and third of my dad. I know! they were busy before they met each other. I spent 6 months in New Jersey/Philadelphia before they moved to Hawaii,where I was raised.

My early years were fun,at the same time,stressful,frightening,embarrassing and confusing. Home life was always unstable. Mom was never happy,always stressed and pissed off. Dad was to busy working or doing his own thing to worry about us. We spent most of my childhood homeless,living in tents on the beach or sleeping in our van. We also spent months at a time living with relatives.

School started to get difficult to attend,we lived on the beach for most of my elementary years. Needless to say,I was ALWAYS afraid someone would find out. One day dad heard about a school shooting that happened,we were home schooled that day. Now,i'm all for home schooling IF you're capable of doing it. My parents were NOT capable of teaching us,not because they weren't smart enough,they just had to much on their plates to worry about teaching 2 kids. So,my sister and I taught ourselves. My precious sister,13 years old trying to teach her 11 year old sister what ever she knew. We did our best,but it became to much so we both dropped out.

I should tell you that the same time we dropped out  my parents were on drugs and we had 0 parental guidance. We spent most of that time hanging out with friends,smoking,going to parties,hanging out with people we had NO business being with. Our whole childhood was spent doing what ever we wanted,so dropping out instead of enrolling in public school seemed like the only thing we could/wanted to do. Do I regret it? WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING! I wish to God I had someone there telling me to fight through the fear of going back into public school,but I had no one.

My teenage years were much like my childhood,with one exception, my mom wasn't there for most of it. When I was 12 she decided to run away to Texas with my dads brother. Things were so horrible then,my poor dad was in shock. He cleaned up though,got a good job and provided for us the best he could. We became closer as a family,4 daughters he hardly talked to years before were the light of his life.  There were months at a time where we wouldn't talk to mom,she'd call or visit only when she needed food and a hot shower. She was so doped on drugs then,it's a wonder she's still alive.

Things started to get better, we excepted that mom wasn't around and wasn't surprised by her antics anymore. Home life was more stable,we were still struggling with money,but managed to spend years in one home.

 I started to become increasingly depressed as the years passed by. My weight had always been a problem and I hated the way I looked. Boys meant EVERYTHING to me,I needed them to like me and if they didn't I wanted to die. I had no sense of SELF,my happiness always came from someone else or something else. I strayed down a few dark roads during those years,depression,suicide it was common place in my life.

I decided one day,after my second boyfriend left me,that I needed to loose weight. I thought if I could get skinny,he'd want to be with me again.How sad that the,then biggest decision of my life was for a boy. I did it though,after 7 months of excessive dieting and working out I lost 60 ibs and was down to the lowest weight of my life. I was finally the girl I thought men wanted,I thought,FINALLY someone will love me. That wasn't the case! I went through relationship after relationship (never getting back with the guy I lost the weight for),one after the other they would drop me like a hat. To afraid of commitment,I was to clingy,they wanted time with their friends. It started to break me,I thought, what am I doing wrong?! I'm skinny,i'm nice,I'm pretty what else do they want?! I went through another bad phase after that. I dated a lot of horrible men,I was being used for sex and quite frankly I didn't care. I had no self esteem,no self love,I was empty.  I drank,A LOT. Partying was a part of my everyday life. I'd meet up with some guys,buy a ton of booze and drink the night away. I can't tell you how many times I woke up confused after a black out.

One day 5 years ago,a guy messaged me on Myspace. I thought he was like the other guys who would try to hook up with me. I didn't take him serious,I was intent on him being nothing more then a friend. I was then dating (openly) a guy who made it clear that he never liked me and in fact, tried to pawn me off on one of his friends. That was when I realized the guy who I only wanted a friendship with, was the guy who would NEVER treat me the way every other guys had in the past. He was different,he didn't mind that I was clingy,in fact he liked it! He wanted to spend as much time with me as I did with him. It was weird,it was wonderful! He allowed me to be myself,he didn't run away when I acted like an idiot,he stayed,he actually stayed.

He asked me to marry him a month after we started dating. I wasn't afraid,I knew we had something different,something I wanted to last forever. A month later October 2nd 2006 we were married. It wasn't easy the first year,not because we didn't know each other or because we "rushed" into marriage. Money was tight,the Army messed up Donnie's pay and we were struggling the whole time. Honestly,it was a great thing to go through,having to deal with hard times early on prepared us for everything that we're going though now.

In 2007 I found out I was pregnant,we were excited! Everything was going great,or so we thought. We went in for our first check up and found out the embryo hadn't attached and there was nothing there. Donnie took it hard,I knew something was wrong so has hard as it was,it didn't surprise me.

We decided then that what ever happened,happened. We didn't get back on BC or use condoms,if we were supposed to get pregnant again,we would. And we did. A few months later I was pregnant again and this time everything went perfect. It was around this time that Donnie was deployed. It was the hardest thing i've ever had to go through,luckily I had my wonderful family there to help me. Even mom,was there when I had Nathan. She's done a complete 180 and has since become one of the people I love the most.

Anyway,Nathan was born on May 23rd 2008,such a fat baby!! what a cutie he was. It was a HARD labor though,well okay,the actual labor wasn't to bad. Contractions to me aren't as bad as most women say they are. They were more annoying then anything. The hard part was after I got to 10 cm they found out Nathan was breach and I was rushed into the operating room. I felt EVERYTHING,it was the worst experience! In the end it was worth it.

Donnie came home after 15 months in the sandbox. Things were AMAZING! he looked so handsome and fit,we couldn't keep our hands off each other and before we knew it I was pregnant again! November 16th 2009 Nicholas was born. Completely opposite of his brother,he was a tiny little thing! but so precious,he was the baby I never knew I always wanted. I thought I was happy with one,I wanted to work on loosing weight and getting back in shape,obviously getting pregnant again changed that,but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

Donnie spent another 5 months in the Army,his knee injury was the deciding factor of him getting out. We moved to Alabama where we are now. Things have been HARD,we've never been in such a rough situation before,but we're trying. Donnie is,as always working his butt off to make our lives easier and me,once a depressed,boy crazy,party girl is now a stay at home mom and wife,who is pregnant with baby BOY number 3 Nolan Kona. I never imagined in a million years,that i'd be where I am today. I'm so happy with the family I have,I definitely wish we were back in Hawaii,but I know we'll go back one day.

I also know that one day i'll get my GED,the one thing I know I owe myself to get. I want and deserve to be someone amazing. I owe it to my kids to be super women,and I know I can do it,no matter how hard it seems. If my sister could get her GED and start college, I know I can and I will.

So that about sums up my life,I left out a few more personal details,but for the most part it's all there. Hopefully this blog is the start of something good.